Podcast 50: How He’s Helping Mobile Home Sellers and Making Money in 2024

Welcome back, In today’s podcast we are talking with active Mobile Home Formula investor Rod from the Washington D.C. and Virgina area. Rod’s mobile home investing success did not come by accident. Rod has followed a strategic plan and has been persistent after his goals to learn the mobile home investing industry and build immense…

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Podcast 49: How to Make Money with Mobile Homes in 2024?

Welcome back, In today’s podcast video we are talking with active Mobile Home Formula investor Megan. Megan has been busting her butt for the past year making a name for herself in the mobile home investing space. Megan is now successfully investing around her state and is well known by other mobile home brokers and…

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Podcast 48: Helping Others and HUGE Profits with Mobile Homes in 2024

Welcome back, In today’s mobile home investing lesson podcast #48 you’ll hear from a new father and son investing duo. These newer mobile home investors have been having recent success wholesaling and flipping mobile homes to happy cash buyers. These investors even have cash-flowing mobile home properties located in safe and populated areas. None of…

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Mobile Home Investing Lessons Podcast 47: Ethical Investing

Welcome back, In today’s mobile home investing lessons podcast you are in for a treat. I’m so proud of these two investors. They are such great examples of running a successful mobile home investing business with a spouse. Tonya and Anthony have been happily married for decades. They’re now busy full-time mobile home investors that…

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BFFs learn to close 70+ mobile home flips | Podcast 46

In today’s 33-minute Mobile Home Investing Lessons podcast episode #46 we sit down with active Mobile Home Formula members Ian and Daniel. The two best friends have helped dozens and dozens of mobile home sellers and buyers.

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Lameka’s Mobile Home Investment Triumph | Podcast 45

Welcome back, Once upon a time, there was a lady named Lameka who wanted to do something really special. She wanted to make money, but she also wanted to help people. She had a big dream of owning mobile homes and turning them into nice places to live while making some money. In today’s Mobile…

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Own A Successful Mobile Home Dealership On A Budget | Podcast 44

Doug has been an active mobile home investor in the state of Texas for over two years. Doug can now add to his title, Mobile Home Dealership Owner and operator.

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MHI Podcast 43: Juggling 6 Mobile Home Flip Deals

Welcome back, In today’s 34-minute Mobile Home Investing Podcast episode #43 we sit down with a very active mobile home investor involved in multiple deals in any one given time. Best part is that Caleb usually has little to no money invested into many of his deals. Sometimes Caleb purchases the mobile homes, however many…

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MHI Podcast 42: Dominic Flips Mobile Homes from High School

Dominic got started investing in individual mobile homes at the age of 16 with this family’s permission. By the time he could vote, Dominic had already closed a half-dozen deals netting over $5000 per home.

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mobile homes wholesale in 2023

How to successfully wholesale a mobile home with a bank lien on the title?

As an active mobile home investor, you will absolutely come across mobile home investment opportunities that you will not want to purchase yourself, or you may be unable to purchase it yourself. Or perhaps the opportunity may be too risky for you to borrow money or risk your own capital. In these situations, we mobile…

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MHI Podcast 41: The Naked Lady Mobile Home

These part-time mobile home investors are flipping mobile homes, raising a baby, new puppy, organizing charity drives, and working full-time jobs. These investors tell all about their journey from startup to successful profitable mobile home investing business in today’s Mobile Home Investing Lesson Podcast #41.

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mobile home investing lesson podcast 40

MHI Podcast 40: Young Couple Flips Mobile Homes Together in the Midwest

Welcome back, In today’s 34-minute Mobile Home Investing Podcast episode #40 I’m honored and so proud to introduce you to Illinois based active Mobile Home Formula investors, Desiree and Harold to the co-hosting microphone. These guys have so much love for each other and growing a highly ethical mobile home investing business. Harold and Desiree…

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MHI Podcast 39: Mobile Home Flips and Wholesales To Build Your Cash Reserves

Welcome back, Mobile home investing is this father’s side hustle. Dustan is married, has kids, and has a full-time job, and Dustan still finds time to make money investing in mobile homes. Watch today’s video to learn how Dustan invests in mobile homes monthly on a part-time schedule. Dustan has a mobile home investing plan…

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MHI Podcast 38: Couple Profits $30,000 After Weeks of Work with Mobile Homes

Welcome back, In today’s 23-minute Mobile Home Investing Podcast episode #38 I’m honored and so proud to introduce you to Virginia-based active Mobile Home Formula investors, Verline and Samuel to the co-hosting microphone. Samuel and Verline are mobile home investors that stay persistent, work together, and overcome any obstacles in their way. After some hard…

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MHI Podcast 37: Partnering with mobile home parks to quickly scale mobile home investing gains

Welcome back, In today’s 60-minute Mobile Home Investing Podcast episode #37 I’m honored and so proud to introduce you to active Mobile Home Formula investor, Matt to the co-hosting microphone. In a short period of time Matt has already been able to added 20+ cash-flowing mobile homes to his long-term portfolio. Matt has been busting…

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